2. What Matters: People-Based Marketing

Makes sense, right? Do you consider yourself weak or strong in modern marketing?  Do you already have great examples that prove the value of actually paying attention to your customer’s behavior every day?

First, if you have it, do you struggle to scale it to a level that makes serious revenue?  

Second, do you wish you could expand this way of thinking beyond your Website, to actually help you redesign products or services or customer service?

I know, all these questions are annoying, but we have to ask, to be sure we’re on the same page.
Hard work will only get you so far. It’s hard decisions that will take you to new levels. It's the decisions that matter, and great ones only come from asking smarter questions.

One of my favorite companies calls this broad strategy People-Based Marketing, because it puts the focus right where it belongs.

Let’s skip ahead for a moment. What’s involved in Behavioral Marketing?
Would you like us to show you a live campaign? We’re happy to do that…

When we do, you’ll see real customers, evaluating a product in a way that’s easy and safe.

When we make it easier…and safer…and even educational and fun, an amazing thing happens. They start to consider your company more of an authority than your competition.

So please notice that we’re trying to stay away from jargon, but the industry is full of it. So if you need to know, then know that our interpretation of marketing includes improving the design of all content and all customer pathways to increase your sales close rate.

The jargon? Ok…it includes conversion optimization (design) and marketing automation (design) and message strategy (design) and sales strategy (design). So you get it. There’s a common theme, and it’s solving the real problem in each of these areas in a way that your customers will love.

Learn to use Power Tools:  Effective CRM Lead Management

Marketo Marketing Automation
Website Content Management Systems
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